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We have a combined total of 35 years plus training between Tate Martinsen and myself.  We know how to get the best from your dog but we also know when to find the balance between shaping your dogs hunting career and when we are truly training for a particular exercise.


Meet Our Trainers

Expertise paired with dog sense....

Trust us with training your dog for performance, hunting, or everyday living.  Tate Martinsen has handled and competed with over 100 dogs in the NAVHDA dog testing system.  His success speaks volumes, 5 Versatile Champions, Over 39 PRIZED Utility titled dogs with 26 of those receiving prize 1's.  His success with puppies is proven with over 35 prized puppies.


Bridget Nielsen focuses on the vizsla breed for training and testing and she has been highly successful testing puppies with almost all of her pups receiving Prize 1's.  Utility testing with vizslas can be like a roller coaster but with that in mind, she has Prized 20 dogs in the Utility Testing system in addition to Earning 2 Versatile Champions with her personal dogs.


We bring adaptability, experience, and true understanding of the hunting dog to your dog's training experience.  In particular, we have an intimate understanding of vizslas and know how to manage the breed for training and testing.

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